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Related Questions

What documents are required for additional drivers?
Can I add multiple drivers to my corporate rental?
Who is allowed to drive a corporate rental vehicle?

In most cases, additional drivers for corporate rentals with Simba Car Hire do not strictly need to be employees of the company, but there are often certain requirements and restrictions in place. Here’s what you need to consider:

1. Corporate Approval:

  • While additional drivers do not necessarily need to be direct employees, the company that holds the corporate account will likely need to approve any non-employee drivers. This ensures that the company is aware of who is authorized to drive the rental vehicle.

2. Insurance Coverage:

  • Any additional drivers, whether they are employees or not, must meet the insurance requirements outlined in the rental agreement. The corporate account holder will need to ensure that all added drivers are properly covered by the rental’s insurance policy or provide additional coverage if necessary.

3. Driving Record and License Requirements:

  • Regardless of their employment status, additional drivers must meet the basic driving eligibility requirements, such as holding a valid driver's license and meeting the company’s specified age limits (usually between 21 and 75 years old).

4. Responsibility:

  • The company is responsible for any damages or violations incurred by additional drivers. Even if the driver is not an employee, the company will still be held accountable for any incidents that occur during the rental period.

In summary, non-employees can often be added as drivers for corporate rentals, but the rental company and the corporate client must approve them, and all insurance and legal requirements must be met. For specific conditions and requirements, it’s always best to check directly with Simba Car Hire.

Do drivers need to be employees of the company?

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